The Yellow River is the second-longest river in China. It is
also the sixth-longest river system in the world. The Chinese name of this
river is Huang He. The estimated length of the river is 5,464 km (3,395 mi).
This originates at elevation 15000 feet (4600 meters) at eh Bayan Har Mountains
and drains into the Bohai Sea. This river is named Yellow River because of its
color and because it carries out yellow color sediment from the Loess Plateau.
Frequent and heavy flooding in the river caused the death of millions of
people along the Yellow River. The deadliest floods in the history of the
Yangtze River were floods in 1332-33 during the Yuan dynasty, in 1887 flood
during the Qing dynasty killing 900000-2million people, and in 1931 flood
killed 1 to 4 million people of China. Thus, this river is also known as the “Sorrow
of China“.